Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010 71 miles New Town, ND

Another day to blow to the next stop!! Because of an oil slick highway with heavy oil tanker traffic and no shoulder, our route was altered for today to keep us on Rt. 2 to Stanley. From there we were taken by van for the final 35 miles to New Town and the Four Bear Casino Lodge which is located on the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation. Therefore, we had another exquisite tailwind day that is just so much fun. My odometer worked and tells me I averaged 17 mph; I loved every minute of it, too. :))  Below is a photo of a field of flax.  Then, there's Jean doing her job as SAG driver today.

The terrain changed somewhat today to include more woods and undulating rolling hills. Also, we passed lots of oil rigs and drills. Who would have known that oil would be found in N. Dakota? I think I read, though, that ND has the lowest unemployment rate due to the oil business. When I stopped to get a picture of a rig with an American flag, the owner (VIP type), pulled in the driveway, hopped out and started talking to me. I thought he might confiscate my picture, similarly to what happend down in LA in '07 when Georgia was snapping pics of an American oil refinery. No, he just wanted me to notice the beautiful location where he placed his operation. He seemed pleased that I noticed the American flags. Also, he was curious about all the women cyclists that he'd seen on the highway. It's always fun to tell folk what we're about and get their reaction to our adventure.

Due to the heavy wind outside, I've heard that we'll have dinner tonight from the casino buffet line.

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